Path of Enlightenment(17)

After much reassurance, the mistress of the GuBaiJin sect eventually gave in to her husband. As he was about to travel out of his body, some of the disciples of the sect rushed into the hall.

"Greetings, Sect Leader Jin!"

"Greetings Lady Jin."

The men bowed in greeting to their sect leader and his wife, they had similar anxious looks on their faces.

"What is the matter?! Why are you all here?!"

They could hardly contain themselves from the thing that was making them very frightened.

"Sect Leader Jin, it is the fox king!"

"What does he have to say, speak up and stop wasting my time!"

The delay in reply was beginning to raise the ire of the sect leader, whose brows were already twitching in impatience.

"The message that was sent from the fox clan was transcribed."

"Go on!"

Sect leader Jin lost his composure at this point, by barking at the disciple to hasten what he had to tell.

"Fox King Yan wants GuBaiJin sect to answer back to the marriage edict of the fox princess!"