Path of Enlightenment(23)

Demon Lord Zhurong kept watching Xu Hui from the corner of his eyes, the BaoXu sect disciple was still looking at the sect brother that she knew from the past as possessing the same strength or probably grown just a little.

"Do you know what it takes to take up the position as sect leader?!"

He saw her look of unconcern on hearing what he was asking.

"The person must be someone that possesses great strength, wisdom and a good example to his followers."

"The Feng Yueming from that time, do you think that he would still be the same weakling that he was or now a sect leader that everyone looks up to?"

The demon lord was only there to hear her thoughts, he didn't have the mind to let her have the satisfaction of killing Chen Yueming.

"You must have thought wrong! I know that he isn't going to be the same person that her knew from our sect days, that is why I already perfected the blood flail technique!"