
"Sect Leader Li, I look forward to seeing you at the assembly of sect leaders."


That was Shi Yunxu's way of saying that it was time that the YuanLi sect leader take his leave. Angry at being dismissed before he said so himself, Li Guoliang tossed the letter to the floor and stormed out of the hall of ShenJiangShi sect.

The disciple that came in with the letter witnessed all that took place, could not meet the eye of his young master's because of how he was badly treated by Li Guoliang.

"One of these days, his angry would be his ruin!"

Who knew what the words that Shi Yunxu spoke would one day come to pass, because the YuanLi sect leader would come face to face with something that would try him.


Li Guoliang landed in front of the gate that led into the YuanLi sect, the disciples that kept watch bowed in reverence when they sighted their sect leader.

"Sect Leader Li!"

They remained that way, until he had successfully gone through the gate of the sect.