
While, the focus of his infatuation Xu Hui spent time reading on forbidden technique, which she could ended up not being able to use due to her cultivation base at that time. Meanwhile, Feng Yueming did not know of this, he would catch her in the refined section of reading up on what what taught during lessons when he was at her level.

The treaty came at a heavy price, which the pugilistic world had to agree to giving up the "Mirror of Yao" and the incipient valley where several gemstones out of it was some that was used as currency by various sects. This was a major setback for the cultivation world, as they bitterly had to surrender it to the demon realm, in order to achieve a sense of harmony between both realms. The magical tool was referred to in various ways as either "Eye of Yao" or "Mirror of Yao" by the two realms.