
"Demon Lord Zhurong, may you reign forever!"

Yin Ta bowed in his robes of black to the demon lord, after a while he raised his head to face the one that had summoned him.

"Tell me all you saw while at the GuBaiJin sect."

Golden eyes with steady gaze faced those of lilac blue held a trace of glint in them. Yin Ta filed what he saw to the back of his mind for a closer look at a later time. His face turned to one of seriousness as he gave his report to the demon lord.

"Sect leader Jin has a magical beast at his disposal...."

"How did he have one, wasn't Chen Yueming of the WuYangChen sect the only person collecting unimpressive magical beasts?!"

Demon Lord Zhurong was taken aback by what he heard about the GuBaiJin sect now possessing a magical beast when in the past they didn't have any, unlike the WuYangChen sect whose sect leader was going after magical beasts with unremarkable powers.

"A Jin Caihe known to be the headteacher cleverly hid the beast from everyone."