
The only thing that outwardly showed the impatience of young master Shi was the way he was holding the hand fan by tapping it against his thigh. Eventually, Jin Ruimin gave a cough which signaled the others that the meeting was about to commence.

"Greetings Sect Leader Jin!"

The three leaders from other sects rose from their seats and gave a respectful bow to the chief cultivator of the pugilistic world, the sect leader of the GuBaiJin sect gestured with his hand for them to return to their seats.

"News of untold sadness has reached my ears about how the other sects were massacred by those from the demon realm. According to customs, a date and time must be set to mourn the great loss that has befallen our world! Sadly, there is no time to go to each sect to pay our respect, but after this war is over! We shall all meet and give each of them and properly send them off!"