
Fox Clan...

"Aunt Hairong, I've heard your side. I know that what you said is not out of selfishness. I'll plead with the Fox King to give me time to ready myself for the life he has planned for me."

Mou Hairong nodded solemnly, there was pity reflected in her eyes.

"Xuequi, let's both inform him of your decision."

The two made their way back to where the Fox King sat with his grandchildren sitting by him.

"Fox King, Princess Xuequi is now of age and would like to share her decision with you."

Fox King Yan beckoned for them to draw closer so that he could hear what his daughter and first grandchild had to say.

Yan Xuequi drew closer with her aunt and prostrated before her grandfather, although it was not necessary to go that far in giving him a greeting, the fox princess chose to do so because of what she had to ask of him.

Nothing reflected in the eyes of the proud king, who waited for her to rise on her feet and speak the words that she had for him from her mouth.