
Demon Realm...

Prince Zhurong entered into the room where he held Xu Hui hostage in the demon realm, after the meeting with his soldiers and Genreral Hei came to an end. On entering in, he saw that she was now awake and was looking around the room, he wouldn't have put it past her to have tried the door to escape out of the room.

"Prince Rong!"

There was hardly any sound when the demon lord came through the door, it must have been that she caught a glimpse of him through the corner of her eyes, before going inside, Demon Lord Zhurong changed his robes and crown to what it was when he came to see Xu Hui at the YuanLi sect. This way his clothing would not give him away as one from the demon realm, since he had been able to convince her that he was from the fox clan, at least that was how it looked to the demon lord.

"You're awake, would you like me to show you to the most beautiful spot in the fox clan?"