
Demon Lord Zhurong pulled at the sash that blindfolded Xu Hui, whose vision became blurry from being confined to a blanket of darkness. It took a moment for her sight to adjust to a new sensation of not seeing a thing.

Slowly Xu Hui's vision became clear and she could see what appeared in front of her, it was so breathtaking, causing her breath to catch in her throat.

It was rows of purple plum trees whose petals sparkled in a magic of their own. Swaying in accordance to the soft wind that blew by, which carried several of its petals scattering them on the soft earth.

Xu Hui could smell the rich scent that came from the flower, which seem to ensnare her with it's fragrance and beauty. A stupefied look stole across her face, while marvelling at the pretty blossoms.