
The headteacher of the GuBaiJin sect thought it was time that he showed his face, after staying outside the classroom for quite some time.

"Look! Headteacher Jin is here!"

Each disciple turned to see Jin Caihe stand by the door, they saw him look straight at the other two disciples that stood at facing each other.

"Headteacher Jin, a fight was about to breakout when you were not here!"

"Yes, headteacher Jin! It was those two!"

"That is true! It was Jin Tieguai and Jin Xiangu! Young master Jin had to step in or they would have been at it by now!"

The headteacher turned to send a cool look at the rest of the class, without so much as telling them a thing, they could tell that he didn't want to hear a word from any of them.

"Jin Dongbin, Jin Xiangu and Jin Tieguai I want you all to kneel right there!"