
"Greetings, Sect Leader Li! Chao Yikun is here to present a letter from the sect leader of GuBaiJin sect!"

A young disciple gave a bow as he stood outside the closed door of the hall of foresight, this was where Li Guoliang sat to read and cultivate.

Inside, the sect leader of the YuanLi sect sat in front of desk with a tray laid out in front of him, bearing a clear blue delicate porcelain kettle and saucer shaped cup. His brows furrowed in concentration as though something within the book bothered him.

"You may enter!"

Setting down the book on his desk, Li Guoliang lightly lifted the sleeves of his robes as though he was shaking off an invisible dust from it. 

The door was pulled open to reveal a fair skinned youth who gave a deep bow when he entered into the room where his sect leader sat. There was a fragrant smell that permeated the place which seemed to be coming from the incense burner by the desk of Li Guoliang.