
"Fox King Yan of the Fox Clan!"

"Fox Princess Mou Hairong of the Fox Clan!"

The fox royalty stepped forward in a robe of gold and fur of white draped across their shoulder. The pair walked regally past the men that announced their entrance to the hall of glaze.

Chilly blue eyes looked down a nose from a face that radiated an otherworldly beauty. This was the Fox King a being that was able to take on a younger form that hid his true self. His daughter, Mou Hairong came along with her father to represent her niece who was in the mortal realm. 

The fox princess in her non-human form was the splitting image of her father, the Fox King. They both had long white hair which glimmered in the last ray of the sun whose brigtness was now almost completely hidden in the clouds.

Without any hurry in their step, they walked all the way up the long flight of stairs that led to the hall ahead.