
"Sect Leader Chen! Help him up!"

One of the disciples from the WuYangChen sect shouted to the others from the other disciples from the same sect as him, when they saw Chen Yueming bending low from where he sat among the other cultivators.

"Is there something wrong, Sect Leader Chen?"

The face of Jin Ruimin darkened when he saw the room full of people about to be thrown into a state of confusion.

"Sect Leader Chen, would you mind if someone walk you to your room to have our Physician take a look at you?"

The graceful cultivator in green robes, the one who was the most respected disciple of the GuBaiJin sect, graciously extended the hospitality of his sect to the leader of the WuYangChen sect.

The face that looked at Chen Yueming held one of civility with no trace of smile was on them, who gave a weak smile at both the sect leader of the GuBaiJin sect and it's headteacher.