
As the sect leader of the GuBaiJin sect announced the Fox King's presence almost around the same time the young mistress of the YuanLi sect was pouring wine into her cup.


Xu Hui cried out when the wine hit the back of her throat.

"What is it?! Lady Li?!"

The sect leader of the GuBaiJin sect asked while turning to face the daughter of Li Guoliang who seem to be in some sort of distress.

"Sect Leader Jin, I forgot that the Kaojiu wine is a little strong for me. I have to mix half water and half of the wine before I can drink it. Unless I'll end up walking about with no clothes on!"

To emphaize what she said, Xu Hui reached to pour water and wine from each of kettles on her table.

After emptying the cup, she raised it over her head with it turned upside down.

"A pineapple osmanthus cake would have gone well with it. They are my favorite!"