Fishing for information

Even in my last life I knew how hard it is to heal sickness by witch magic and how draining it is to witches to heal someone. Witches rarely accepts the request for the healing someone that is only when it benefits them greatly or they want something from them. Healing magic is a complicated and complex type of magic. You have to understand the sickness to heal it. Otherwise spells seeps magic out of you but nothing happens because the spell used is not the right one. That's why the scene in front of me was utterly unbelievable and just as much shocking.

Just so I don't look suspicious because I don't know witches existed until this morning, I asked my mother that "Is it normal for so many to be healed with a single spell?"

"No, this is my first time seeing it too. Why don't you look for another patient to try it again?"mother said.

I stood up and believe me it took effort, it was dizzying and disorienting. After the last attempt I knew now that I won't kill them so it it was easy to choose next patient. This time I didn't open the barrier all at once, I just let a thin hair like stream out. So it wasn't that bad this time it took half a minute to heal the patient. I wanted heal more people here but stopped by my mother. According to her it isn't good for a witch's health to heal large amount of people in short span of time. It effects the life span of witches.

After getting home we had dinner, it was almost night. I was starving after using my magic for the first time. Even though I lived a whole life and come back to the past, I may know about the future events but I don't know about supernatural community much. I know the name of major players of the future. I don't know much about them, I don't know how they look like. I have to sort out most of the information in my head so i don't miss something important.

That thought brought out the most horrifying memories of my past and HIM. So I asked my mother "Mom you never told me about you being witch before?"

She sighed and said "I didn't want you to judge me as you kids theses days gets most of your information about supernatural community through media and novels".

"So, Is the media and novels wrong about supernatural community? If not then is there a version that is right?" I asked. I wanted to yell at her face that 'It is more horrifying then the worst of the worst horror novels and media show' but I suppressed the urge with quite difficulty.

She laughed at that question and didn't answer. So I said "Speaking of media does vampires really have the power to read human minds. I don't want anyone in my head." I made a horror stricken face and looked at her. Actually I know a vampire who had lived in head and made it a hobby of his to read My thoughts. And I asked that question so I can learn to block him and that in this lifetime he won't get the chance to the same to me again. I don't want to be anywhere near him. No one knows what future entails, even though I know what will happen in future. But it is going to change with my rebirth, so much has already changed. I am a witch now and got to use my powers that never happened in my last life.

"Yes, there are such vampires and don't worry. I'll teach you how to block them from your mind." She replied.

In my head, I yelled "SCORE" and did a little victory dance.

My mood fell when my mother said "Ohhh... be ready there might be guests coming. You know with the magic boom you made, it is disbelieving that no one arrived yet".

Ooo no,.... "Mom can you teach me mind clocking spell today?" I begged and made the most innocent face that I can make.

She gave ma a exasperated look and said, "It is not a spell, it's a shield. You don't have to put it on regularly once you put it on, you have to keep enforcing it with your magic. BUT if you meet someone more powerful then you, they can break your shield and that experience is very painful. Let's start then. Follow the instructions to the letter and don't leave a crack open."

I did as she said but with a little something more.