Sorting Through Memories (ll)


Micheal, the head of all supernatural community. Yes he wasn't the head of vampires he was the head of all the supernatural community. He was THE MOST POWERFUL BEING. Some said he was the ancient one, some said that he was the original vampire. But I knew he was worse then all the speculation running around about him. He was some kind of hybrid, maybe a vamp-witch or vamp-warlock. Because he was vampire who could handle magic like it's nothing.

I know about him because I was kept by him, torture and raped by him and most importantly mind fu*ked by him. He may have looked like an angel but was a demon from the deepest part of the hell. He liked to stay in my head, reading my every thought. manipulating my thoughts, making me think what I don't want to, making me do what I don't want. It was hell, my body became a cage that I couldn't break out of.

Till now i didn't know what did he wanted from me. I had seen it on his face, the deep hatred he had for me. But why? I had no answer to that question, not and not now. I don't want to know because curiosity kills a cat and human too. I may have become apart of supernatural community, even then I don't want to test the water And stay far far away from it.

Jayson, head of the vampires. He killed, drained and slaughtered humans on daily basis, just for the sports. He is sadistic, cold hearted and powerful bastard. He reigned the vampires with iron hands. If not for the need for blood for their daily consumption he might have killed every human on earth.

Ariana, Jason's beloved. A terror or all the female population. Every woman who came near her beloved died a horrible death. Paranoid as hell, if I could, I would say "INSECURE MUCH BITCH".

Warlocks and vampires become terror for the humans. They were the one who killed the most during the uprising and kept killing. For them uprising never stopped and never did their blood lust.

According to vampires, they are the most powerful specie of them all. But who knows , I had head the rumours about angels and demon's existence. Demons can't get out of the hell unless summons and Angels don't like to meddle into humanity's business. We are same, supernatural community or humans, it's all the same for them. It's our mess and we have to deal with them ourselves. So who knows maybe they are more powerful then vampires or not.

And apparently the ghost boy like my room and still sitting in the same corner. I hope I don't see more of the dead people. I have seen enough deaths in my previous life line to last me next ten lifetimes. I'm so tired after remembering all the things and people, I just want to go to sleep now. I laid down on bed and quickly everything turned dark.