
I looked at the phone for some time with a smirk. That was fun. I forgot to tell her about the party With a sigh I decided to call her again.

"Hey Paige you and your honey is invited to my coming of age party." I informed her in a hurry, didn't want to let her hang up again.

"Oh, really. So who else is coming this year." She asked with excitement in her voice, which just irritated me.

"How would I know? It's not like I'm organising it. It's strange though, why would a witch council Elder organise my coming of age party, Even after my mother rejected their offer to send me to them to train." I contemplated.

"This is strange and kind of scary."she whispered.

"Why scary?" I questioned.

"Maybe She is conspiring to do something to you." She said in a gossipy tone.

"Then let's skip the party altogether. It's not like I'll know someone there other then you and Jake." I suggested.

"No you can't do that. Seriously what are you thinking? Are you trying to make the enemy out of every guest coming to your party? Any idea what is coming your way?" Well so many questions in a single breath, which one should I answer first.

"According to my mother, about every upper echelon of all the races. That's kinda too much." I complained. Remembering that just sour my mood again.

"Yes it is really too much plus it's a big news I have to inform my alpha. Got to go. Bye." She cut the call immediately. I looked and the phone again and muttered, "rude."

I decided to go to sleep because last night I got only 3 hours of sleep.

I was in my cell, bound to the wall with the chains. I was hurt all over. There were cuts and bruises. My feet's were bleeding, it's like a layer of skin is missing from all the running. How come I'm still here. Didn't I reborn. This was all in the past. Oh I went to sleep so this is just a nightmare. I should wake up.

How do I wake up? This is just a nightmare. Do I pinch myself? I can't pinch myself my hands are bound wide apart. Does pain help to wake up? Let's try. I banged my head with the hope to wake up, that didn't happen. But everyone got quite and there were only noise of footsteps that is heard.

He is coming. Just stop thinking, don't think at all. I berated wildly running thoughts in my head. He came into my view and my heart almost stopped. So beautiful. These two words flew across my mind and I knew that it's not my thought. It was put there by him.

Yes so inhumanly beautiful, like an sculptured jade, with no humanity at all. Dead as a rock. He smiled at my thought and came towards me.

"You tried to runaway again. How many times do I have to teach you that there is no way out of here for you." He said that in a smooth voice.

He put his finger on my palm and it over my arm then shoulder then neckline a crease. For some people it may feel seductive but for me, it gave me goosebumps and run chills down my spine. He leans down and whispered in my ear.

"You need another lesson."

I froze with his words, I know. I know this time. It's another memory, where he froze my mind in the worst moment of my life. The death of Jake and Paige.