My Prince, A King

"Your Majesty, if I may, I would like to recommend a medicine that said can heal scars," the eunuch said.

The King touches the scar and ponders for a while, "No, it's alright. I would like to keep this scar as it's the only thing the Queen Mother left me, even it's a very painful one," he smiles bitterly.

Hearing it makes me sure that he is indeed my child, the Prince.

"'My Prince,"' I study his scar. How could I possibly forget the scar that I used to see each and every day? I look at him dearly, "'It's you."'

I remember when he was a child, his first step and his first word. It's all so vivid but I couldn't remember when he grew up this tall, a fine man he has become.

I had probably died even before he grew up to be a man. I really couldn't recall the last days of my life and worst, I might even forget lot of things than I ever thought.

His features took after his father and since he looks so much like the 'King', it pains me.

"'I'm sorry that your Mother left early,"' I say to him and how I wish he could hear me.

"'If you're the King, then your father must have probably left you as well but to be a King this young..."' He looks in his twenties and to be a King; the previous King must have passed away or abdicated his throne. How I wish the 'King' had abdicated so that I'd probably still have a chance to see him but from the look of it, the 'King' had passed away as well.

He is staying in the King Residence with much of his father's belongings still in place, one sign that the 'King' is not around anymore.

I stay in the chamber for a while until the 'Prince' goes to sleep. I watch him sleep for a while then I decided to go to the place where I think I can find the 'King'.


The room illuminated by the candles that placed on the candle holders on each corner of the room. The light's dim but I could see clearly each letters carved on the woods. I scan each name engraved on the wooden plaques - I found my name and his besides mine.

I found him, at least for now.