Loyalty and Betrayal.

The 'King' stops in front of a chamber and asks a palace maid, "Is the Queen asleep?"

Huh? This is weird.

"The Queen went to put the Crown Prince to sleep, Your Majesty. She is now not in her room."

The 'King' enters the chamber and sits behind the table.

I look at his troubled face. What did the Queen Dowager showed to him to make him look like this?

A few minutes later, a woman enters the room. I feel astounded and weird to look at myself from another 'perspective'.

But, I don't remember this moment. I don't have any recollection of this memory. Was this a part of the forgotten memories of mine?

"My King, what brings you here this late?"

The 'King' doesn't say a word but only looks at her.

"What is it?" She sits next to the 'King' and takes his hands, "You look troubled."

The 'King' sighs, "My Queen, I want you to be honest with me, are you hiding something from me?"

She knits her eyebrows but she says confidently, "I have nothing to hide from you, My King."

"Then, that's all that matters." He smiles weakly. "Go to sleep, it's late." He stands up and ready to leave.

"It's already late, just spend the night here. I'll call the palace maid to prepare the bed."

"No, it's alright, I still have matters to attend to. Goodnight," he bends and kisses her forehead then he leaves without looking back.

I look at myself wearing a worried face then I follow the 'King'.

He goes to the Main Hall and asks Eunuch Han to call General Sun.

A few minutes later, General Sun comes. "Your Majesty," he greets.

"General," the 'King' says with a heavy tone. "Let me be honest with you," the King's eyes are intense.

"I heard some unpleasant rumours about you lately, care to enlighten me?"

General Sun knits his eyebrows and looks confused, "Pardon this lowly servant but what sorts of rumours Your Majesty is referring to?"

The 'King' sighs, "I heard you are training soldiers with a different purpose, General Sun. They are Royal Soldiers and their service should be for the King and the nation but instead I heard…" the 'King' paused and stands up from his seat. "They serve you," his tone sharp.

General Sun drops to his knees with his head low, "Your Majesty, it's a false accusation! I'm being slandered," he says defending himself.

"You are, of course," the 'King' steps down from the throne towards General Sun. He walks past General Sun and says, "Follow me."

I walk right behind them, following silently. I don't even know my existence in this world anymore, am I a ghost or a lost spirit? But bring here might bring the answers that I had been looking for.


The 'King' brings the General to a building next to the Ministry of Justice. Inside the place, there are five people tied on chairs and their clothes are wet from their blood. There are three people sitting in front of them, I guess they are the interrogators while the ones standing are the ones carrying out the punishments.

The interrogators rise from their chairs and drop to one knee to greet the 'King'.

The 'King' stops right in front the bloodied men and looks at General Sun.

"Do you recognise them?"

General Sun looks appalled by the view and he doesn't even hide his anger, "They're the Royal Soldiers, my comrades and my brothers. Who did this to them?"

"Me," the 'King' says. The General looks questioningly at the 'King'.

"Your brothers over here were found plotting regicide and they admitted they were ordered by you," the 'King' says.

"Nonsense, I will never do such treacherous act! Your Majesty, we are being slandered!"

"He's lying, Your Majesty," a man in the chair gathered his strength to speak and looks at General Sun. "He made us practice in a different place with thousand others without anyone's knowing. He's a greedy human! He wants to be a King!"

"YOU! Who made you say this?" General Sun questions him, his hand is already on his sword's hilt.

"You stepped on our pride and made us bowed to you. You don't deserve to be called a General!" Another man shouts.

The 'King' becomes angered that he takes the sword from the General's sheath and cuts all the men to death mercilessly. The blood splattered on his robe and his face.

My heart almost fell to the ground. I don't think I recognise the 'King' in front of me. I feel nauseous from seeing all the blood.

General Sun drops to his knees. "Your Majesty, I won't defend myself anymore. My comrades that I'd treated as my brothers said I don't deserve my title. I feel humiliated to hear such words from them. Even if this is an act to defame me but let me die honourably before my name becomes tarnished. Forgive me, Your Majesty. I failed you."

The 'King' puts the swords on the General's neck. The blade cuts him and blood slowly flowing out from his skin. Then the 'King' pulls the sword away and throws it to the ground.

"Don't you dare to end your life without my permission," then the 'King' walks away and leaves the General.