The King's Dark Sides.

The 'King' stands in front of the door. The Palace Guards open the door slowly and the bright light enters the hall. I close my eyes as the light touches my face and when I open my eyes again, I'm back in the Memorial Room.

The King and the Royal Advisor are still there.

"The Commander managed to flee during the battle. Don't you feel something was off, Your Majesty?"

The King doesn't say anything but stares at the Memorial Table.

The Royal Advisor continues his speculations, "The General was offered assistance by that Commander and he managed to flee while his soldiers were apprehended. I'm afraid the General had promised something to that arrogant Ming," he sneers.

The King pulls out the sword and put it on the Royal Advisor's neck, inches away from his skin, "Enough! I'm tired of everyone saying the same thing all over again!" The King snarls.

The Royal Advisor is taken aback by the King's action but stay composed. "Your Majesty, I'm your advisor and I vowed to serve you and this Nation with my life. You couldn't hide the fact that the General is a threat to you and the throne. He might be loyal now but we will never be able to guess human's heart. For the sake of this nation, strips him from his title and expel him, Your Majesty."

The King drops the sword and sighs.

"Advisor Li, I grew up with my brother and we share the same blood. He vowed his loyalty and I trusted him. But what you said are all true, human's heart, it couldn't be predicted. Do you know why I let him stay near me?"

He puts the sword back into its sheath and walks toward the Memorial Table.

"The Kings before me either killed their siblings or anyone that have rights to the throne as soon as they became the King. They thought that was the best thing to do but they had lost their families. I don't want to be like them, Advisor Li," his eyes teary.

"My Father told me to believe him but do you know what came to my mind when he said that? Jealousy! I know he cared so much about Older Brother but that was just an ugly emotion. Older Brother taught me many things and I know why Father asked me to trust him. All those words and speculations I heard about him, do you think I just ignored it? It consumed me!" He put his hand on his chest.

"I'd started to be wary of him and the day before the coronation day, I was scared! He could've killed me back then but instead he bowed to me. But it made restless, these evil thoughts!"

"That's why I let him stay, I let him near me, at the place where I can see him clearly. His every word and every action, I know each of it," he looks at the Royal Advisor. "I couldn't let him far from me, it makes me restless."

The Royal Advisor seems to have discovered a treasure chest when he heard the King's confession. I could see that he will use this for his own benefit. His face brightens but then he puts a concerned façade.

"Your Majesty, forgive me for being unaware of your worries. I am such an incompetent servant," the Royal Advisor's head low and his face gloomy.

The King sighs, "I couldn't blame you, Advisor Li. For these I had long buried in my chest, it's not a desirable sight of a King to have such thoughts. It's a weakness and I would prefer you not to disclose any of it to anyone," the King says more like an order to the Royal Advisor.

"Understood, Your Majesty."