Be Safe, Grandson.

The The General knots his eyebrows, "Pardon me, Your Majesty, but the South Border is known to be a peaceful district, I don't understand the purpose of sending me there."

"You're right, General. It is indeed a peaceful district and have a very beautiful environment compare to here. I'm sending the Finance Officers to do some inspection, there have been some complaints about their tax collections there and you'll be their Chief of Guard. Take it as your holiday."

"But..." the General tries to protest.

"Accept it, Older Brother," the King somehow sounds irritated. He inhales a deep breath and sigh. "You had just come back from a war and I don't expect you to go there again. Get some rest, you haven't done that much, don't you? It's an order."

The General looks hesitant but does not want to refute, "Yes, Your Majesty."


General comes back to his residence and makes a few preparations to go to the South Border. When he thought he was going to the North Border, he only packed a few clothes because he was planning to go only for a few days. However, going to the South Border means he's going to stay there for a while since the King did not say his duration of stay. When the King did not say how long he is supposed to be there then he can only wait until the King summons him home.

I look at the back of him when he mounts his horse and slowly getting farther away from the Palace. Thinking of how long he will be in the South Border making me missing him. How long it will be till I see his face, again?

"Be safe, my grandson." I say as I look at the view of him becomes smaller. I wave at the distant, "Be safe, my 'King'."


A few weeks after he left, an informant comes and gives report on the situation in the South Border. However, his face is pale and he looks nervous.

"Your Majesty, a few days ago, Lord Min from the Min Clan was found to have embezzled a large sum of money from the tax collected. The General had ordered people to investigate about the incident and…" the informant looks hesitant.

The King raises his head from the scroll he's reading and looks at the informant, "And?"

"The General found proof of their crime and the General had ordered Lord Min to surrender himself and pay back the amount he had stolen," the informant says.

"So, how's the progress?"

"The Min Clan is seizing the district right now," the informant lowers his head as he speaks.

"What?!" The King retorts, he throws the scroll aside. His brows furrowed.

The Min District is mostly populated by the Min Clan as they had been staying there for generations. It situated near the South Border together with other 5 districts and it is said to be the richest district in the Nation due to its natural resources of herbs and livestock. The district is a preferred place to do trades and businesses.

The King's tone makes the informant flinches. He clears his throat and arranges his words wisely for fear the King's mood turns ugly.

"The Finance Officers had found out that Lord Min had indeed embezzled large amount of taxes collected from the district. He had done such treacherous act since he was appointed after his father passed away." The informant carefully reports the situation.

"This had never happened since the Min Clan was responsible of the tax collection decades ago. That explained why the amount reported to have decreasing over the year," the Royal Advisor interjects. He also shows his displeasure of the news. "They had been giving excuses of bad weather affecting their resources, those deceivers."

"The Head of Magistrate of the district asked for the General's help to deal with Lord Min. Since the Min Clan is the largest clan and Lord Min is the highest ranking official in the district, the Head of Magistrate was afraid of the clan's retaliating against the Magistrate's order to pay back the money that had been...stolen," the informant continues his report.

"Then what is this 'seizing' about?" The King inquires.

The informant looks anxious at the question but he answers it anyway, "When Lord Min knew that the Head of Magistrate asked for the General's help, he was furious because the General was an outsider. But the General told him that the district is part of the Nation and under Your Majesty's jurisdiction, thus any issues arisen in the district is his concern. However, at the mention of Your Majesty's name, Lord Min became angry and provoked the General that he will terrorise the area."

The King tries to hold in his anger but the more he listens the more annoyed he gets, "So, what was the General's response to these?"

The informant gulps down his saliva and answers heavily, " 'Do as you please. You will regret the consequences' the General said."

"What?" The King asks almost to a shout. The informant flinches the second time, as if he's the one who had initiated a cold war.

"Lord Min is a man with full ego, Your Majesty, I am sure he is seizing the district because he did not want people to think he was afraid of his own provocation." The Royal Advisor interjects, saving the informant from further explanation as he's nodding his head to the Royal Advisor's words.

"Can he not follow a standard procedure and discuss politely? Min Clan is not just the largest clan but they also hold the most resources this Nation has, we could not afford to anger them!" The King could not hold in his outburst anymore. He huffs as he asks the next question, "So, what is the General's doing right now?"

"The Min Clan had their men over the district and they had shut down the main gate, not letting anyone in or out. The General instructed the soldiers located in the South Border to join him and surround the fortress but he did not discuss further of his plan," the informant concludes his reports.

"What is he thinking?" The King sighs.

"Your Majesty, if I may, we should send our soldiers there to help the General. We should prepare for the worse," the Royal Advisor suggests.

"A cold war? Are you mad? Did you not listen to what I was saying about them? We could go hungry without them!" The King howled.

"I am suggesting that we send our soldiers to make them realise that we are stronger and make them afraid of us. When they are afraid, we take them down and force them follow your rules. They wouldn't dare to disobey someone that is stronger than them unless they want to lose everything."

"You want to threaten them?"

"Not necessarily threatening, I would say, but rather playing with their minds," the Royal Advisor smiles crookedly.