
"Look eomma, we are here. Don't worry you are going to be alright, then we can go for walks in the park, eat ice-cream, cook kimchi and black noddles together while watching BTS concerts on TV."

Taehyung looked at his granny,s lifeless body. The stroke really took its toll on her, her pale skin, her lips no longer as rosy as they were or were supposed to be. She had lost an enormous amount of weight. She looked as though she was a survivor of the drenched Holocaust of Nazi Germany. He could barely recognize the woman in front of him.

The 15 years that he has lived with her has been both magical and a learning experience. he shared all his problems with her, his worries, his insecurities, his fear of allowing himself to be known by the world for being gay - especially that-. She protected him so much that she never allowed him to date, because she wanted to keep him from the dangers of the world (as she says). He was now 20 years old and he never experienced a love relationship with anyone. He was certain that he was going to meet his Mr. Perfect.

He always had his fantasy dream about that he wants in life: he wants a man who can love him with all his internal scars and problems, a man whom she can share his problems with, a man who will know whats bothering him without him having to say a thing, a man with shiny, stunning eyes that he can get lost in, a man with a good body that he will get turned on by just a single sight, a man that will f*ck all his problems away, a man that will make him c*m 3 times in one round, a man that will print his body with such beautiful marks that all who see it will know whom he belongs too. This thoughts were going through his head since he came to Seoul. Where he would find such a man, that he was yet to find out.....

Jungkook was not feeling this day at all. He was caught up in 7 meetings all which could have been sorted out through an email. To top it he was fully booked till the end of the week. It would be mild to say that his work was a lot instead it was hectic.

"You should get yourself an assistant". said Namjoon.

"And where exactly will I find one, its not like I see them walking one the streets everyday"? replied Jungkook.

"Actually they do, all they have to do is come for one of those lousy interviews and then we have them, well you have yourself an assistant".

"Fine, I'll speak to HR about it".

"Exactly, tell me I was right".

"I'll tell you to get the hell out my office, as you can see I'm working".

Namjoon left his office giggling at Jungkook's silliness.

One could say that Jungkook's life was better now that he was no longer with Rose. He had enough time to work on himself and find what makes him happy. The day he went to the club with Namjoon was sort of an adventure for him especially now. He saw different kinds of guys, all wanting some 'ACTION' with him, the only problem was that they were all young men like 18;19;20 and he was like 25. How in the world was he going to take away their innocence, their purity, their life. Although he knew the only reason why they wanted him was the fact that he went there in a fancy suit with a fancy Rolex watch, wearing stunning Gucci black shoes, wearing the latest perfume by Antonio Banderas 'King of Seduction', as a matter of fact he was looking like a whole walking million bucks. Men from walks of life were practically throwing themselves at his feet, then you see Namjoon laughing his ass off. Jungkook even witnessed a 35 year old stripping himself for him. Disgusting isn't it. He made sure that the guy he was going to marry/date had to be above the age of 24. He had no idea how fast he was going to swallow those words.....

Taehyung spent the whole day in the hospital looking after his granny. A thought soon came to his mind. After all this what happens next? After this whole pandemic is over what next?How was he going to live, he needed a job and fast. Thinking while he was walking was what some would say a very bad idea especially in a hospital. He didn't see where he was going until...Bump.....

"I'm so sorry I didn't see you, I'm so sorry, please forgive me". said Tae with his head bent down

"It's okay, this type of things happen" said a man in a handsome, yet soft voice.

Taehyung was tempted to look at his face, but he was trained with good manner not to do so.

"You know that you can look at me, right"?

"Sorry sir, it was my mistake".

[Who was this handsome looking boy, wow, his beauty is unexplainable, so stunning, he probably must be a model]

Namjoon looked at the innocent looking boy in front of him. He could see nothing in him but pure innocence, like he was not yet touched by this cruel world.

"What's your name lad"?

"Taehyung....Kim Taehyung, sir".

"Don't call me sir, I'm not that old".

Taehyung felt like laughing but knew it was rude to do so. The two had a friendly conversation, talking about numerous things. Namjoon was shocked at how such a young man was able to keep a conversation and keep the other party interested to hear everything he had to say. This was truly a talent that they needed in their company.

"Hey Tae, how would you like a job"?

Tae was stunned.

"Y-Yes...Of-Of course I would like one, Thank you so much, I really appreciate it".

"It's a pleasure, I get the feeling we can use someone like you...although the job is an assistant to one of our employees, I know for a fact that its going to be worth it". said Namjoon smiling greatly.

"Thank you so much, I really appreciate it, I really do".

"Don't worry you can thank me later, I gonna change your world forever....."

Tae had no Idea how on he got so lucky, maybe it was his parents looking after him, but one thing was for sure that he was have his whole world turned upside down...