Club Purple 2

The two males continued hugging for 5 whole mins, breathing each others scent. Tae having a sweet vanilla scent to him, while Jungkook had a strong masculine scent to him. They matched perfectly. The way their bodies lingered on each other made them look like a scene from a fairy tale story.

they broke the hug when they heard Namjoon clear his throat. The awkward feeling flowing on them as they shyly turned their heads to avoid Namjoon's gaze on them.

"Jungkook I'll go check on Jimin whether he is done with the contract yet, excuse me Mr. Kim".

Tae left leaving Namjoon looking at Jungkook with a raised brow wondering what on earth did he just see.

"So you gonna tell me what the heck I just saw or am I going keep on trying to guess what my eyes just saw?" asked Namjoon as he looked at Jungkook.

"Look Namjoon see this boy is doing something to me that i can't explain. He came in here looking like his whole world just fell flat on his face. I just couldn't stand it seeing him like that. I further decided to ask him to the party tonight, he was so humble as too tell me that he was unable to come because he had no transport. I just couldn't allow him not come along. I feel that whenever he is not there with me I feel incomplete".

"Jungkook, if I understand you correctly it seems that you have fallen in love with Taehyung".

"Maybe I have".

"You have to tell him!!"

"No hyung what if he doesn't see me that way?.....What I'm only a 'Boss' to him? I don't want to make things awkward for the both of us."

"Jungkook your heart is telling you the truth but your smart-ass mind doesn't want to listen, imagine if you don't tell him and then someone comes along ant sweeps him off his feet, you must remember that Taehyung is am extremely, and I mean extremely handsome boy anyone could simply fall for him, to top it all up he has that innocent boy look, he is well in shape and has a kind heart, if you don't tell him that you are crazy about him then someone else will and then you would have lost a special star in your life...think about it you have nothing to lose by confessing yourself to someone your heart wants, it's a once in a blue moon chance". With that Namjoon left.

Jungkook was left thinking about what he was going to do, he sat on his chair with his hands holding his head.


Club Purple was a loud, popular place to go to, especially amongst younger generations.

'Beep' 'Beep'

The hoot of Jungkook's car as he was outside waiting for Tae to come. Tae looking at himself one final time before leaving the house, having already told Hoseok that he would be going out with his boss he was sorted. Dressed in the most simply attire he looked no where as close to going to Club Purple. What could you expect, he has never been to a club before.

As he walked out Jungkook stepped out of car to greet him, when he was dumb folded by the way Tae was dressed. He look so out of fashion to go to a place that that, but at the same time he looked so innocent with his ripped perfectly, non-ripped jeans, Check top and white superstar sneakers (guess no one told him that you don't wear white shoes to a club, unless they are your least favorite pair) his hair neatly combed, he was wearing a stylish yet simple watch, and a chain around his neck that belonged to his father. Tae looked like he was probably going to Church than a club full of people.

"Hey Jungkook, thank you again for agreeing to take me in such short notice". he spoke in such an innocent voice.

"No problem Tae, but are you sure you wanna go in that?"

"Why is there something wrong with my outfit?"

"No actually the place is a club, so there is gonna be lots of people and dancing, but non the less you look amazing".

"Thank you". he replied trying to hide his blushing cheeks.

The ride to the club was a very quiet one, neither of them know what to say. they remained silent until a famous song played on the radio- DNA by BTS- the sweetest thing happened when they both reached out to adjust the volume and their hands touched. Both hand were warm and Tae felt his cheeks burn like a flame thanks to the darkness of the car it wasn't noticeable.

They arrived at the club quickly finding their colleagues and friends. Tae earning a few death glares when some of the colleagues saw that he came with Jungkook. They looked as if they wanted to eat him alive, especially Jimin.

"Hey Jungkook, Tae come over, come sit with us." said Namjoon.

As they approached the big round table where many of their colleagues were sitting they were grated by a waitress in a silky black Lingerer.

"What can I get for you gentlemen?" she said while looking at Tae. She looked as if she wanted to eat him alive.

Everyone had finished ordering and Tae was the last.

"Uhm.....No thank you I don't drink, I hate the scent of alcohol it upsets my stomach." said Tae innocently

"Really, that's fine I can bring you some fruit juice, is that fine?"

"Y..Yes that's fine".

Jungkook felt like cutting the waitress up for thinking she could play with his Tae.

The party was a blast, everyone was enjoying themselves, well except for Tae as he didn't do much but sit and watch them dance. He always lacked the confidence to dance in front of others because he was always told during school that his dancing could make a person fall sick. Tae in fact did know how to dance. His dance was graceful and light like a soft feather. He danced beautifully, but some people can't stand to see others succeed.

After some time Tae felt tired and wanted to go home so he went to Jungkook and asked him nicely if he could take him home. He was shocked due to the fact that they were only there for 1 hour, but he still agreed.

The ride was the complete opposite from when they were going. Jungkook was getting to know more about Tae and his past. Tae told him about his parents and their death, how his life has been since then, his aunt and uncle, his uncle Hobi and his granny whom has been taking care of him ever since, why they cane all the way to Seoul. Jungkook was touched by Tae's story it was touching yet heartbreaking. It only made him want to protect him even more.

"Tae I...I have a confession to make. you Tae, like I mean I really love you so much. I think about you all the time, I go to sleep wondering if you are okay, if you have eaten anything. I didn't believe that such a thing could happen to me. but it did. I fell in love with your nature, the way you like to do things, the way you smile, the way to think, you are so smart and you do things slowing taking your time to make sure that they are perfect. I love you so much Tae, You are the perfect definition of perfect. I promise to love you eternally, I have already devoted myself to you. Eve if we don't end up together I will forever protect you. I love your innocence and purity. What do you say Taehyung will you be mine?"

Tae was dumb folded, he didn't expect Jungkook to love him too. He smiled greatly and said: "Yessss I will be yours, forever".

Tears ran down his eyes. He was filled with immerse joy. Finally he was receiving good news. He felt that his bad luck had finally been broken and he could finally taste what happiness taste like.

They hugged each other tightly, as Jungkook was glad that he listened to Namjoon, now he had his perfect prince with him forever....