
Jungkook led his baby upstairs to his room. His room was large, with a whole walk in closet, King size bed dressed in Bohemian linning sheets, two night stands on each side of the bed, a private bathroom, 2 comfortable couches for relaxation, a sound system for music enjoyment and a flat screen curved Samsung TV for those romantic nights with his patner. The room was indeed grand.

As the two of them laid on the bed in each others arms, the was not a sound heard from either of them, so quiet that one here a pin drop. They were just listening to each others breathing patterns.

"My love why are you so quiet?" asked Jungkook as he played with the strands of Tae's hair.

"Ohh Kookie, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to react like I did there, I'm sure your parents think I'm such a child, a mere crybaby, crying for nothing". replied tae

"Tae I told you that there was nothing to be afraid off, my parents are kind, loving people, they don't know yet what you have been through, don't take the inccident to heart, tomorrow we will discuss it together, okay.. now I want you sleep, ok?"

"Yes Kookie I understand, uhm... can you please hold me while we sleep?"

"I'm never letting you go baby".

Soon they both fell into a deep slumber, laying next to each other, letting the stars of the night be their blanket, as they slept in eternal bliss.

While others were sleeping, some where acting like predetors, looking for their next prey to devour, such people are the one's you would never expect, they lurk around, are right under our noses but we fail to see through thier camouflage. They change colours like Chameleons, slay around like Foxes, a attack like Lions in the dark.

It is safe to say that not everyone is happy to see Tae smiling. They plan evil for him, set traps hopping for him to fall into them. They have delight in seeing him in pain and suffering. They are enermies of progress.

Lisa was one of them.

She had been in the Jeon family for years, in fact since the day she was born, her parents were long time friends with the Jeon family as well as business colleagues. Her family moved all the way from Tailand to Seoul seeking greener pastures. At that time her mom was pregnant with her and at the same time Mr. Jeon was also pregnant with Jungkook.

Lisa's dad was lucky enough to get a job working as an assistant to Mr. Jeon, who he later earned his trust, because of his true nature, very upright in doing good and content on following the righteous path. Together they grew the company to what it is now. Success was indeed written in thier horoscopes.

Remember when I mentioned that Mrs. Jeon was the desire of all men, well she was also the envy of most women. Lisa's mom was one of them.

Mrs. Manoban didn't have such physical features like Mrs. Jeon. In fact she was very thin, flat chested, straight body, she did have some curves, but they were hardly seen, She like every woman out there who felt intimidated by Mrs. Jeon's body and to top it up, Mrs Jeon came from a wealthy family, was fully educated, basically living the perfect life, jelousy was all she saw every time she looked at the ever glorious Mrs. J. Jeon.

Mrs. Manodan filled with bitter hatred for the family decided to sow the seed of deception in the mind of her innocent daughter, filling her with greed and jelousy. Telling her that the one thing she could do for herself was too make sure that she became the daughter in-law of the Jeon family, the only way to achieve that was to marry Jungkook at all cost, since they were the same age, what could possibily go wrong?

Jungkook and Lisa had an outstanding friendship, they would play with each for hours, this was something that they did during thier childhood, unfortunately time took its toll on them. Jungkook went abroad to sturdy, while Lisa attende a university in Seoul. The seperation between them really hurt her as she already fell in love with Jungkook.

The day she heard he was coming back, she prepared everything for him, with the intentions of tellin him how she felt about him, only to meet hhim coming out of plane with another woman, Rose. Her heart shattered into a million pieces, although the two was not in a relationship at that time, the thought of another woman in Jungkook's life other that her made her boil in anger.

Now she just came to know that Jungkook was now in a relationship with a male. Was that why he never showed any feelings towards her during thier teenage years? Was it because he was gay? No, the he wouldn't have dated Rose. Anywhere gay or not she was fixed on making him, hers.

She sat in her room with the lights off, thinking of how to get rid of only threat to her plan. If only Tae was as easy as Rose to annihilate, things would be so much easier. She picked up her phone to make a phone call.

"Hey...yeah it's me, I need you to do something for me...can you get me information about someone.....yes don't worry you'll recieve your pay.....thanks waiting for your findings".

"Tae you choose to come to this family without my permission, now watch how I get you thrown out". said Lisa with a smirk on her face.

Jungkook woke his baby up with wet kisses on his cheek.

"Stop Kookie I'm awake". said Tae slightly asleep

"I know that you are awake, I just like kissing you, you are so baeutiful".

Tae blushed like a teenage boy on a date, and Jungkook just smiled at him. He wanted nothing more, but to see Tae smile all his life. They just sat on the bed staring at each other communicating, words were not needed at that moment, just the twinkle of thier eyes.

They were brought back to reality, when Tae's phone rang. It was Hobi.

"Pick it up while I go get the bath ready". said Jungkook.

Tae smiled at him before picking up the phone.

'Good morning, hyung' said Tae through the phone.

' Morning Tae, how are you, did you sleep well. don't forget that you have work to do'.

'Calm down, hyung. Firstly I'm okay, secondly I slept wonderfully because I was in the hands of my man and thirdly I didn't forget about work, in fact Kookie went to get my bath ready, so I'm gonna have to go, its 6am'.

'Wait Tae, what about your clothes?'

'Don't worry about it hyung, Kookie has it sorted, so I'll see you later, okay?'

'Okay, that's fine, bye Tae'

'Bye hyung, have an amazing day'.

'You too'

The call ended and Tae heard Jungkook calling him from the bathroom.

When he opened the door, his eyes were blessed, when he saw Jungkook already in the bath, with a smirk on his face and bubles around him, signaling him to come with his finger.

Tae was shocked, was he really inviting him to ntake a bath with him?

"Kookie what are.....?"

"Shhhhh, my love just come in and relax with me".

The greatest amount of temptation was overcoming him, should he go that would be the first time he was fully naked with Kookie, in fact it was the first time he would be naked in front of Kookie. His face went red, he just looked down in embarassment. Jungkook next action completely throw him of balance.

He got up from the bath, with his body dripping water and his hair soaked. He went to Tae, whom was staring at his body with eyes and mouth wide open. Jungkook had such a beautiful body, well built chest, sharp jaw line, small waist, toned abs and to top it up, he height was like adding cherry on top. I won't talk about his 'goods'.

"Come on baby, lets take a bath, shall we".

"K....Ko.....Kookie, is this even okay?"

"Of course it is. you are my boyfriend ain't you?"

"Kookie I have never shown my body to any one since that inccident, I feel shy".

With a sigh Jungkook replied:

"Tae listen to me, the more you let that day control every aspect of your life, the more you are bound not to recover. Stop thinking about it, it doesn't define you. If you keep on remebering it, it will never leave you, you will eat, sleep and talk about it until you go nuts. Now look at me, do you want to live your life in the past of misery and bitterness or do you want to see a bright future filled with love and hapiness, espercially do you want to live in hapiness with me?"

Jungkook was right, it was indeed time for Tae to let it go and to fully live his life, although that inccident was still fresh in his memory, he knew he needed to get over it, but he also knew it would be a battle on its own.