Weekend special 2

The beautiful night wind was blowing through Tae's hair. He had his hands high in the air enjoying the weather. The celestial sky being him dance floor. He had the wind in his hair and a beautiful song in his heart. He was carefree, letting the weather and the slow calming song playing in Jungkook's car take him to the land of paradise.

Jungkook was having a difficult time keeping his eyes of Tae. He looked so beautiful, the way his hair was blowing, his lips plum and red, hie eyes closed, a sweet walming smile on his face was enough to cause Jungkook to stop the car and smash his lips on Tae's, but he had to concentrate on driving or the only place he and Tae would be spending the night would be at the hospital.

When they arrived Tae was shocked that they didn't go to his parent's house, but rather to a luxury penthouse with a line of alluring light that brightly decorated it. It was like walking around New York at night. The spectacular lights were amazing.

"Tae, this is where I used to live, I choose to bring you here so we could have all the privacy and time to ourselves, I know that if I took you home, my parents and siblings would never leave you".

"It's okay Kookie anywhere I go with you is a magical experience." Tae looked at him showing his box smile, which Kookie thought was just adorable.

As they stepped into the lobby, Tae was amused at how modern decorated the place was, the lavish chandelier that stood in the middle, they looked like diamonds decorating the night sky, their light making the floor beneath them look like constellations, he really enjoyed it.

Jungkook went to sign in at the reception, leaving Tae in the middle of the lobby looking at the beautiful architecture that surrounded him. From the side of his eye he noticed someone staring at Tae, a man in his early 30's. Dressed in a black suit with a Cobra Lapel pin in Oxidised finish. How did he know? Because Jungkook knows the society that wears such pins, he was once sent an invirtation, it was basically a club of classy men who thought that world was under their feet.

He had a gaze on Tae from top to bottom, licking his lips as he saw Tae's abs through his tight fitted seamless shirt, perfectly slim waist was hypnotic. Tae on the other hand was oblivious to his gaze, he was standing there waiting for his Kookie. Jungkook instantly regreted why he left him there.

Jungkook and that man finished filling in thier forms right round about the same time. The man turned around heading towards Tae, who was shocked at the starnger who was coming to him, before the guy could say anything, Jungkook had his arms around Tae, swinging him away from the guy, heading towards the elevator.

As the elevator oor closes, Jungkook and the stranger exchanged looks with a smirk fixed on Jungkook's face. He was not letting anyone near his baby.

"Why do you have that look on your face, do you know him?" asked Tae as he looked at Kookie

"Tae baby, I need you to be aware of your surroundings, if in anytime you notice anything strange or out of place, you notify me immediately". Jungkook replied as he cupped Tae's face.

"Yes daddy I understand, now you starting to sound like Hobi hyung". he said with his cute boxy smile.

So adorable Jungkook thought to himself.

Jungkook blindfolded Tae as he saw they were nearing his apartment. As soon as they arived he let the blindfold fall from his face.

Tae opened his eyes to see a beautiful apartment. there was beautiful candles with roses place on the floor, there was a beautiful dinner table set in the middle, it was a round table with white lining and gold embroidery on it. The chairs next to with, looked like thrones. Tae was excited, he didn't know what to say.

"Kookie youu did this for me?"

"You deserve it and the world, I love you".

"I love you too".

Tae pulled him in for a kiss, with his right hand intertwined in his hair, he let Kookie have him all. His mind, body and soul.

As the kiss got heated Jungkook broke it with a suction sound. Tae confused why Jungkook pushed him away.

"No Tae, I want things to go slow between us, there is no rush, come lets eat dinner".

Jungkook led Tae to the table, showing his gentleman side by drawing the chair for Tae.

A waiter soon entered the room, he came with variety of foods and red wine. Jungkook wasn't going to force him drink, but he wanted to celebrate with him.

The dined to the most delicious of meals, Hoeddeok (sweet syrupy pancakes), Bulgogi (marinated beef barbecue), Samgyeopsal (pork strips), Japchae (stir-fried noodles) and drenched it down with half a glass of wine.

Taehyung was enjoying himself, he had his man spoiling him ever so much, he was filled with so much love. He got up to sit on Jungkook's lap.

"Daddy i'm full thank you so much for this wonderful dinner". said Tae as he drew immaginary circle around Kookies's chest.

"I'm so glad that you enjoyed it, I could give you so much more, just to show you how much I love you".

Tae leaned in to kiss him, rapping his arms around him, their tongues fighting for dominance, but soon Tae surrendered to his touch, Kookie taking off Tae's jacket, pulling on his shirt, running his hands under his shirt, Tae practically turned his body around, straddling his man.

The kiss intensifying, thier bodie became hot as they let themselves be taken over by the pleasure igniting in them. They were both felling heat. Moaning into the kiss, as their moans vibrated across the room.

"Tae lets take this to the room shall we?" Jungkook asked breathing fast.

"Yess daddy".

Jungkook lifted Tae up, carrying him to the begining of their eternal bliss.