Finding Tae

As the metaphorical clock, stood at a minute to 3. The two kidnappers knew that they were running out of time, every second they wasted, would result in the boy having to suffer more.

"So what do you suggest we do?"

"We take him back, back to where we picked him up from, then we run, run far away, go to different places, that way she can't know our whereabouts and she won't locate us.We have to do it now, no second to waste."

"But what if she comes before we are done?"

"That's why we are going to get him cleaned up now and keep him safe. We have to leave here now....I don't know who, but I think they are people in heaven who are truly protecting this boy, and I don't know sbout you, but I don't want to get on their bad side by killing him....Now quickly, we have not a moment to loose".

Time was of the essence and they couldn't waste it. They ran the hot water in the bath, filling up, until it was ready to welcome him. They entered the dreaded room to see the unconcious boy on the cold, wet floor. For the first time they felt tears coming out of their eyes. They couldn't believe that they did such harlacious things to such an innocent boy. It only took them seconds to know that truly Taehyung was like an angel, even now with the current state of his skin, full of wounds and bruises and malnourished body, he still looked like the glorious boy that he was.

Slowing they lifted the boy up, careful not to wake him up, they gently carried him to the bathroom. As they gently put him the warm yet hot water, the boy woke up with a fright. He was stunned by his surroundings. His pupil dilated due to the intense light shinning on him, it took him quite some time before he could make sense of what he was looking at, even then the pictures weren't clear, he felt the water around him. The warm water burning on his open flesh, inflicting pain on his body, but the pain he had endured this past days was far more painful than the one he was feeling at the moment.

"Wh...what are you going with me. Pl...please don't kill me". he asked as he painfuly brought his knees to his chest, a defensive position.

He thought that was it, they were finally going to end him, he didn't expect them to do it by drowning him, but it was still annihilation. He looked at the kidnappers with teary eyes.

As they looked back at the boy in the bath they felt their heart crench. Since the time that they held Tae here, his pleads or his tears never went through to their hearts, but not this time. As they stole gazes at Tae, they verge of crying, they couldn't stand to watch those sad, painful tears fall on his face.

"Don't worrry, we're not going to hurt you. We realized that what we were doing was wrong, please forgive us for causing so much pain to you. We know that it would be near to impossible for you to do that, but please, you have made us realise that all our life, we made wrong choices and not they are finally catching up to us."

Tae looked at the them, confused, trying to face sence of the expressions on their face, since he couldn't see clearly, weren't this was the same guys who would beat him up to he point that the entire stick would break on his body, now those same guys, are here standing in front of him asking for his forgiveness. Was he dreaming?

"Don't worry kid, we are gonna get you out of here, but we got to hurry up. Fast take your bath and dress up into your clothes. We need to leave ASAP".

Tae relised what was going on. He was actually getting released. He was finally going to be free to reunite with his family, his hyung and his Kookie. All this seemed like a trip to him, so he had to play it smart, no games at this level

It was as though time stopped. Everything was silent, one could even hear a pin drop. They needed to take the chance they had now, so they would all face the concequences. Using every last of his strenght and also thinking about he was going to run into the arms of his Kookie, and give him a great kiss. Tae pulled every string in his body to move. He got dressed in the same clothes he was wearing when he was kidnapped. The pain he felt as the clothes touched his wounds on his skin was so great, he would even prefer going out naked than to go through so much pain. He felt as the clothes sticked to his body, inflicting more pain on him.

"Are you ready Tae, come quick lets go".

"Y...Yes I am, but please take it easy with me.....My whole body hurts".

The kidnappers shed more silent tears as they saw Tae who was bearly able to stand straight. It hurt their heart so much that they did all this to so a good boy. They instantly regretted all the hurtful, digusting things he did to him.

"I'm so sorry Tae, please find a place in your heart to forgive us, please".

"As much as I would love to forgive you and pretend like all this things never happened, I can't. What I can promise is that I don't keep grudges. I hope to never run into the two of you in this life or even the next. I hope that you really rethink your life and make possitive decisions that won't hurt others in anyway."

After saying that, he limped away.

They were quick in getting ready, Tae's vision had come clear, so he could see much better than before. He sat on the chair as he waited for the two males to finish cleaning the area.

"So much for rushing the shit out of me, only for you two to be wasting time" he murmuded to himself, feeling annoyd that the guys were taking their sweet time. If it wasn't for the fact that he didn't know where he was he would have left already.

"Alright Tae, lets go.....We are all done." said one of the men.

Tae slowly stood up, placing his hands on his back for extra support, he managed to pull his weight up and stand up, even though he feels as though he was ran down by a truck.