
The way certain things play out at times amazes people, it's almost like the saying 'Mother nature fights back'. Some fail to understand that even the slightest mistakes can have dire consequences, I must say that is it only the wise that adhere to this warming and hopefully learn from it.

Rafiki once said "The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it."

Tae was about to visit his granny in the early hours of Monday morning, she was someone whom he hadn't seen in weeks if not months (some would think that it wasn't the best traits that the grandson of a stroke hitten woman would need). He had certainly mixed feelings about meeting her as he had something very important to tell her. Bear in mind she did not know of Tae's kidnapping, if she did, there was no saying how she would take it, and if you ask me, I suggest that he doesn't take that chance.

He got dressed, looking at himself in the mirror adding some finishing touches to his look. He dressed as simple as he always did, not that he didn't have lavish and fancy looking clothes, after all, he was dating one of the wealthiest men in Seoul, but rather he preferred not to show it, to whom exactly. This was one of the many reasons Jungkook fell in love with Tae, he was different, did things different and I guess he appreciated him and loved him for it, he fell in love with the simple boy from Daegu Town. As he fixed his shirt before heading out, he felt a pair of strong, warm hands wrap around him, and he felt soft warm kisses on his neck and shoulder.

"Don't tell me, you plan on going somewhere, while we are supposed to be on vacation". Asked Jungkook as he slowly spun him around.

"I need to see eomma, it has been long, I miss her, I need her presence around me, I'm been an awful grandson, I didn't visit her in what feels like years."

"No Tae, you are an amazing person, the likes of the finest I have ever seen, you care so much about others, even if some of them hurt you, you have so much love in your heart and you and I both know it, I'm here for you Tae, I don't want you to feel alone, your kidnapping shock something in me that, still this day I wish to forget. I am here to show you, love, I need to show you, love, so just let me show you how special you really are, not only to me but to the people around you."

Jungkook's words touch a soft part of Tae's heart, he really loved him and now he knows it, in fact, more than he did before.

"Thanks, Kookie, you always know just what to say," said Tae as he put his arms around Jungkook's neck drawing their bodies closer, removing any space they have in between them.

"I guess its a trait I possess, I am I am a businessman, I should know these things."

"Ohh so now, I am business".

"Not entirely, but you are the greatest investment, I have ever made, and I wouldn't want it any other way. It's that simple, I love you."

Tae gave a cute smile, before Jungkook pulled him closer, their lips connecting in a sweet kiss, a kiss that showed their love for each other. Tae played with the small strands of hair at the back of Jungkook's head, as he kissed his passionately, their tongues dancing in union, the kiss heating and igniting the flame inside of them. Jungkook reached under Tae's shirt running his soft hands up and down his spine, leaving a tingly feeling on him. He began slowly grinding into Tae.

"No Kookie, I know where this is going, I need to go see my granny."

"Can't you just be like 15-30 min late"?

"No I can't, please I promise we have all the time together".

"Says the person who wanted to on vacation in the same city, because he didn't want too far."

"Fine Jungkook, I promise I'll be quick".

"One more kiss, at a see you later know what in fact, I think I should come with you".

"Kookie, you already hired a personal bodyguard, planted tracking devices on my phone, wristwatch, and even my favorite shoes, I'm also sure you hired to stand by snippers in case someone tries to grab me".

"You know maybe I should do that."

"Nooooo Kookie...okay...okay, I'll let you come with me, but you have to be quick"

"Got it".

Just like the Flash, Jungkook sprinted to the bathroom to take a shower.


Hoseok was sitting outside the patio, enjoying a cup of coffee while being in intense thought.

"You know baby, it's not good to be deep in thought, you'll cause yourself to grow old."

"I know, I'm just used to having him here with me 24/7, I know that Jungkook has the best in heart for him, but I'm still his uncle I know what's best for him".

"I know that he misses you dearly, but I'm here, ain't I"

"Yes, you are baby, I'm sorry, maybe I am thinking too much."

I'm sure you must be wondering what is happening, the thing is, after Tae's kidnapping everyone was put in a really upsetting mode. Tae couldn't bear to see his uncle in such pain, neither could Jungkook, so they both planned a blind date and somehow they managed to convince him to go, it was there he met the woman that brought love into his life, just like Tae always did. Her name was Somi, Kim Somi. She was innocent as she is beautiful, that was what made Hoseok keep her, she was beautiful and had a heart of gold, just like Tae had, just like his mother had.