Jeon Junghyun (2)

As I stood there hearing how she spoke about him like he was the best thing in the world, it made me mad like seriously mad. Yet again I was being overshadowed by my one and only, special brother Jeon Jungkook, even by someone I doted about.

I stood there watching as she used hand gestures and words to describe all the amazing things they would do together once he comes back from his travel overseas, I finally got the picture that she was in love with him, like madly in love with him, it was almost scaring.

Her face would always light up whenever she spoke about him, but with me, she would have a dull, nonexcited look on her face as if she was forcing a smile so that my feelings wouldn't be hurt, at least she would be polite at times, yes at times.

"Lisa...Uhm I don't mean any harm in what I'm about to say to you, but what would happen if you and Jungkook don't end up together, I mean he is in the United States now studying and as much as Jungkook can be a book worm, which he likes being, he is still a man who has needs and I most say they are a lot of beautiful women there and all over the world, in fact, all women in this world are special and beautiful...what I'm trying to say is what if he comes back with a girl that maybe his girlfriend or even a fiancee. I don't want to lie to you, by telling you that Jungkook is yours, but you have to be realistic about things like this, he himself is a handsome man, wherever he goes he gets a lot of attention not only for his looks but also because of the things he says and does. I really don't want you to get hurt."

"Ohh. are so cute for caring about me, I really appreciate it, but it is okay I'm fine and I know that my Jungkook, loves me very much. He can withstand any form of temptation to our love. You don't have to worry about anything, yes Jungkook is very handsome in all aspects of a man and I know that I have competition but I have faith that our love is strong and we will surely overcome anything."

She had so much confidence in her response, that I couldn't help but try to keep my laugh inside, it's either she was the most naive girl in the world or the dumbest, either is still equally bad in my books. I know who my brother was, show him something good, he'll take it, show him something better, he drops the good one and go for better. Jungkook had always been a good person, kind and very welcoming, but he doesn't play with his heart, if something isn't for him, he won't take it no matter what anyone did. Lisa, unfortunately, hasn't gasped at that reality yet, she was still living in her own fantasy that Jungkook would stay loyal to her, love her endlessly, have a family with her, and even die for her, how can he, if he isn't even with her.

"Lisa I'm telling you this because I care about you, if I didn't, I wouldn't care. I know that you and Jungkook have been friends for a very long time, but I know him...he is my brother for crying out loud."

"Enough Junghyun! I don't want to hear another word about this, I and Jungkook are full-proof and no one can change that, I expected better from you but I can see that you are also one of those that are against me and Jungkook having a romantic relationship, don't come to me again to discuss such nonsense."

With that she left my sight, hitting my elbow in the process, if it was any other person I would tell them off, but it was because it was her, that I kept my cool. It was only going to be a matter of time before what I said to her came true. I somehow had precognitions, which sometimes come true.

It was a chilling winter morning, somehow the weather never seems to be on my side when things like this happen. We all waited in the main lounge, waiting for Jungkook like he was some kind of president, my mom had prepared all his favorites, my sister had drawn him a beautiful picture of how much she missed him, why on Earth had I never gotten something like that before, did I even exist in this family. Lisa had put on a lovely outfit, and as usual, she looked amazing, well today more than usual.

The room was dead silent, it was like we really were waiting for the president, I could hear every breath, even a pin could fall and it would have sounded like an atomic bomb got released. like Seriously. We heard the car engines running and slowly stopping, but there was a problem, we heard two voices, Jungkook's obviously but also a lady, a young lady...I couldn't help but look at Lisa who just like me had a shocked look on her face, this was bound to be good, I didn't want to be the bearer of bad news but 'I told you so'.

we heard the door opening and the first thing we heard was Jungkook soft yet manly voice.

"Eomma!! Appa!! Junghyun!! Jungsoon!! I'm back!!" he exclaimed, as much as he made a lot of noise, I couldn't help but miss my brother, as much as he was a pain in my ass, he was still my flesh and blood and I indeed loved him, to the ends of the universe and back. I got up and ran to him, watching as he held his hands wide open for me, that was one of the many things I loved about him as much as we might fight and want to potentially kill each other we were still brothers.

"Hyung!!! I missed you so much, I'm so happy that you are back safely," I said as we were still in each other's arms, now don't get any ideas, we were just two bros casually hugging.

"Did you really miss me, I mean I was gone for such a long time, you had all attention of the main son all to yourself, are you sure that you don't me to go back, I mean I can".

I laughed at his comment even though internally I was dying for him to go back. we all greeted each other, we hugged and laughed at the arrival of my brother but now it was time for the question that was on everyone's mind, who was the young lady that he brought home with.