The world's most loved Jungkook

After the wonderful evening, they had together, the two lovers laid on the bed with a great smile on their faces, it was now the second time they made and love and it was just as amazing and hot as the first time. Tae was leaning and resting his body against Jungkook's chest hearing how his heartbeat lowered on top of the small giggles that Jungkook let out as he remembered the magic that just they shared between them. He doesn't believe how lucky he is, just a few days ago they had a big argument that almost destroyed their relationship and possibility their lives, they both knew that they couldn't live without each other so the thought of not being around each other truly scared them but here they were in each other's arms, cuddling and taking small kisses from each other, the fact of the matter was that it didn't take Jungkook a split second from the moment he saw Tae at his doorstep, to embrace him in a loving hug. If it were other people, they would have cut all ties with that person and probably plan some evil traps for them, just to fuel their satisfaction for their demise (much like the situation we are currently in with Jungkook's brother and Rose), but not for Jungkook. When he said he loved Tae, he meant it and finally, Tae was getting that reality into his head.

They were folded in a loving hug, by that time they had both calmed down and were practically now inhaling each other scent until Jungkook finally spoke breaking the silence.

", don't get me wrong, I'm really glad that you are back in my life, but I want to ask what made you change your heart, I mean what caused the sudden change of heart judging by the way you went off the other day, it was clear to me that your love for me was gone and replaced with utter hatred. I saw and felt every word that you said to me, it really hurt to see you hurting like that, and to make it worse, I didn't know what to do about it. I couldn't understand where you were coming from?"

Tae baffled and thought about it for some time, what actually did make him come back. Was it the talk he had with Mark, or maybe his love for Jungkook? One thing was for sure that he loved him and couldn't live in the nightmare of not having him by his side, he had to admit that most of the greatest things that had happened to him were because he moved to Seoul. If he had rejected his uncle's proposal of leaving in Daegu, would he have found Jungkook, found his job (with whom he didn't even have to fight), started this amazing relationship that they have, it was all because he decided to make a change. Maybe changing and moving forward wasn't a bad idea, it wasn't going to be easy but it was sure going to be worth it.

"Uhm...I think it because we are linked and cannot be separated, I was indeed hurt by the whole situation, I didn't know what to think. The thought of you cheating on with nonother than your ex made me feel worthless, like all the magic we made was just lies. I know I hurt you and...I'm really sorry about that, I should have let you explain instead of lashing out at you, besides I got some advice from a total stranger. I had a crazy I met the guy he was actually a cab driver, we talked a lot, I slept in his house, ate his breakfast and then decided to leave and went out to find you." Tae mumbled the last bits about the stranger, but it was clear that Jungkook heard it, by the sudden drop of his emotions from love and admiration to anger and a definite frown on his face.

"Kim Taehyung...What.Did.You.Just.Say" Jungkook said in a stern voice and a blank face, he was really mad, but who can blame him how the Heck can Tae be so naive to trust a total stranger.

Tae gulped down saliva he didn't even know he had in his throat.

"B-Baby...I'm fine...I mean nothing happened and I made sure that the door was locked before I slept...I didn't even have a deep sleep as I was scared...see I'm fine, nothing happened to me and I'm here with you, in your I should be." Tae said trying to calm his man down.

Jungkook just stared at him, before pinning him down on the bed, keeping his hand above his head, staring straight into his eyes. He lowered his body and kissed him passionately yet with some force, clearly showing that he was angry about what he did, but also glad that he was okay.

He pulled away and saw the pink shade of blush on Tae's face.

"I forgive you Tae, but never and I mean never again do you ever do that again, you understand? You cannot just trust everyone that you meet."Junkook said with a hint of dominance in his voice. Tae nodded his head, before Jungkook raised an eyebrow at him, signaling him to use his words.

"Yes, J-Jungkook".

"Jungkook?" Jungkook replied, having a smirk on his face.

"I mean...D-daddy," Tae said, trying to hide his shyness, Jungkook just smirked at him.

"I need a punishment for being such a naughty boy," Jungkook said tightening his grip on Tae's wrist.

"B-but Jungkook...I mean daddy...I'm still tired from the last one we had."Tae protested whilst looking into Jungkook's dark glance.

"Don't worry won't have to do anything," Jungkook says as he releases Tae's wrist before kissing him with so much love, kissing him and making his way in between his

Whilst the two were kissing and having the time of their lives. in the lounge, on the floor, laid Jungkook's phone with the call still on, Rose on the other end was dying with anger in her heart. He heard the first action the two had and now she was hearing them again. The anger radiating from her was enough to ignite the world.

How could Jungkook be interested in a pathetic excuse of a boy, Rose thought.

"I have so much to offer him, we have been through everything together. I helped Jungkook when he was lost and unfamiliar with a new world. I stood by his side through thick and thin. I gave him happiness and love, I was there for him...I was, "Rose halted on her words, she was so caught up in her own world that she never seemed to know how Jungkook might have felt about when she left him; alone and hopeless without any explanation whatsoever.

Indeed Jungkook was so hurt, he felt insecure about it all. Rose was his love at that time, he devoured almost everything to her and her happiness, he hid his own truth of being homosexual because he grew to love her, he cared for her and actually saw a future with her, but yet she crushed it all. Now he was finally getting the joy and love he so deserved and he was not letting it go. Tae gave him hope that the problem wasn't him, but rather the person he was with. How quickly the tables changed and now Rose is the one hopeless and defeated.