Friends who care

Its been about 1 week since I received my job. I am known as the only jobless player in this game. Like whoever receives a job in this game, it is announced through out the server. So as usual mine was broadcasted as well. Well, I often feels like a worthless celebrity because, many player often come to see this worthless player who received the only jobless title.

Ahhh !!! Its a pain seeing players every day. But one day, I will prove them wrong. I swear on that !!!

" Rill, Rill ? where are your spacing out?"

" Ohh yeah yeah, I am listening "

"Listening to what? I wasn't saying anything..... "

" Ohh nothing nothing "

" Ooo Rill, at least say or do something cheesy !! "

" Diane, You know I can't do all that right ? And wait, why would I do something like that with you in the first place ??"

" Hehehe Rill, you dumbo xD "

Diane sure knows how to lift my mood up. This morning I got a text from her saying she wants to go out with me. I was still having some problem getting myself motivated, so I though of taking a break a today and spent some time with Diane since she insisted a lot.

" Hey Rill, you seem to be upset for a few days. Did something happen? Is it about the new game?"

"UUuumm ! No I am fine. Nothing happened. Dont worry about me "

" Ohh I see ! Got it "

" Mhmmm"

" Your definitely worried then "

" Yeah.... oh wait what? No !! "

" See? You don't even seem to have your attention right now ! Just tell me already "

" Okay Okay...lets go somewhere first. You persistent lil girl "

" Well, I am persistent, but not lil -_- "

We stopped by a cafe to have that conversation. Diane was being a bit too pushy, I simply don't care but It would be a mess if I avoid too much.

" What would you like to have sir?"

I lifted my face to give the order and saw an unexpected face.

" Rill !!!! You came out of your house after all ! "

It was Yohan. Like what the hell, how can we be so connected. Wait ? Do I seem like a bisexual? No no no !!

" Yeah -_- "

" Thats great, what a relieve ! "

" What are you doing here dimwit ?"

" Heyy!!! Don't say like that !! And btw, I work here part-time"

" pfftftt ! Dimwit HAHAHAAH "

Diane chuckled

" I see someone interesting here, Is this your girlfriend Rill? Yohan asked

" Ahh No you idiot. Its my classmate, Diane...We kinda grew up together "

" Ohh I see... mhmmmmm Interesting "

" Whats interesting you stupid?"

" Hey, what do you mean classmate? Ain't I supposed to be you best friend and wife in future? " Diane said angrily

" Wife? What? Who decied that ? I never said that !! " I said

" Is that so Rill, Its a shock for me hearing this about you. You cheeky bastard xD " Yohan said

" Stop pulling my leg you two. I will give a hard kick on you asses -_- " I said blushing

" Hai Boss " both of em obeyed in fear

" Hey useless Yohan, go get us 2 latte "

" Hai Sir "

After some times, Yohan brought us 3 lattes.

" Who told you to bring 3 latte? " I asked him

" Oh the other one is for me , I thought of having one with you guys."

" Huh! Why? Who asked you to think that way? You can have yours over that seat. Go there ! "

" Oh come on Rill ! You came out of your house after so many days and the first thing your doing is being rude, so Rillish xD "

" It's okay Rill if he sits with us , I dont mind ! " Diane said.

" Oh ! Don't get the wrong idea bruh, I was talking about my problem, who cares about yours? " I replied

" HAHAHAHAHA ! Dude got owned lmao " Yohan burst into laugh

" Whom are you laughing at mister? From what I can see, you get owned by Rill every second >_< "

Diane said in suppressed anger

And the cold war between began from that very moment. I was literally laughing inside seeing both of em lol

" Rill, will you stop pouring sugar in your latte, like how many pouches did you used?" Diane suddenly yelled

" Uuum.. 16 i guess, why?"

" Whatttttt" both of em screamed in shock

" Well I don't like bitter latte, so i prefer at least 20 pouch of sugar in it "

" Well Its good to know :) "

" So, Rill how are you feeling now?" Yohan asked

" Um Im good, why your asking ? "

" You were soo down after that incident. You didn't come to play that much as well. I was so tensed you know? And its hard playing without your all-round support . You seemed a bit motivated back then but after that your like poof "

" Hey what are you guys talking about ? Why am I the only one being left out. I want to know what happened to Rill as well. " Diane interfered.

After that, Yohan told her everything.

"Ohh so thats why Rill looked so sad for a few days. I though it was something about his family so I didn't ask him anything, instead I thought of spending time with him to lift his mood." Diane said

"" Hoooo, what are you to him? His girlfriend? :3 " Yohan asked

" Oh no no no " Diane replied in embarrassment .

" Huh ! What are you talking about ? We are bros, and beside who will date this woman?" I said

" Damn you Rill, your too much -_- " Diane said.

" But that being said, your fine now right? Like if your ever feeling down, you can always lean on u, we can fill you up with motivation any time any where. Besides its just a game. I know you skillset more than anyone. So don't worry about it " Yohan said to me by putting him hand on my shoulder.

" Well I dont about the game, But I can say I know about you and your nature more than anyone. you know,A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow. Thats what I think about . So never think that your alone and take all the sufferings on yourself. We are here to empathize you, cheer you, inspire you and help if necessary. So I request you to trust us. " Diane said holding my hand.

Friends are the family you choose. I think if I've learned anything about friendship, it's to hang in, stay connected, fight for them, and let them fight for you. Don't walk away, don't be distracted, don't be too busy or tired, don't take them for granted. Friends are part of the glue that holds life and faith together. The language of friendship is not words but meanings, and now that I think about it, I think I can now fully understand that language !