
Kiwi Bird

A kiwi egg takes up about 20% of the female bird's body, and weighs about 16 oz. To give some perspective, a human baby only takes up about 5% of its mother's body.

Kiwi relationships have been known to last over 20 years.

Kiwis have a good sense of smell. They are the only birds with nostrils at the end of their beaks, along with sensory pits which allow them to sense prey underground.

The birds are very territorial, and a have razor-sharp claws which can do some damage. 

Kiwis have great memories, and can remember even unsavory events for at least 5 years. The birds may be fooled by recorded kiwi calls on tape once, but they learn their lesson afterward, and tend to challenge the device and suspiciously circle it to ascertain whether it is an actual fellow kiwi.