

Religion is a very controversial topic as all the different beliefs it centers around can't exactly be proven. Each branch of religion has it's own rules and structure. Some have multiple godly entities and some only one. Through religion we are able to gain mental comfort in the idea that there is something that controls and influences our lives. This can be in the form of protection, karma, reincarnation, heavenly judgement, fate and so on and so forth. And in believing in these coincidences, we create an explanation for why life is unfair and a way to repent for our sins. Religion is a way for us to blindly guess what may be the truth. Well the blind guess is actually heavily influenced by your parents' choice of religion and or your communities'.

It's like the story of the king who possessed a magnificent ring. The ring is a family heirloom and has always been passed down in his family. However that's where the problem begins. He has 3 sons who he equally adores and can't just pass the ring onto one of them. Thus he decides to create two more identical rings and the problem should have been solved. His kids however each wanted to inherit the throne and believed that they possessed the true ring. This lead to conflict which resulted in them seeking out a judge. The judge then declared that none of the rings could be the original as the original ring made its wearer beloved of God and people. These rings only brought hatred so the original ring must have perished along with the king. All three rings are thus worth the same but at the same time utterly worthless.

If you replaced the rings with different religions like Christianity and Hinduism you'll notice that the true point of religion isn't which one is real, but it's more about the mental benefits.

I did say that I have no idea which religion is the closest to the truth, but a few months ago a man got struck by lightning directly after masturbating to the bible. Now if that doesn't sound like a divine message or punishment, then I don't know what is.

I don't care what you believe in as long as you treat others, even people who aren't a part of your religion, with the respect they deserve.