

Mosquito is the spanish word for little fly and in some parts of the world like Africa and Australia, they are called Mozzies.

Mosquito bites are more like stabs. They use long pointy mouth parts to pierce your skin and drain blood. Additionally it's only the female mosquitoes that will ever actually bite you as they need the protein in your blood to lay eggs. And it's even scarier to imagine how they can lay up to 300 eggs at a time. If the temperatures are below 50 degrees Fahrenheit, some species of mosquitoes will go hibernate whilst some just lay their eggs and go die.

It would take 1.2 million mosquito bites to drain all the blood from your body.

Mosquitoes can smell human breath and locate us based on that. They also pick their targets based on sweat. We release a large variety of chemical odors and mosquitoes just happen to like a few of them. They are fond of octenol, a chemical released in sweat, as well as cholesterol, folic acid, certain bacteria, skin lotions, and perfume.

Once they have located a target, they then use body heat to lock onto the best location to "bite" to suck blood.

A little bonus to think about. Mosquitoes spend their first 10 days in water and female mosquitoes have a lifespan of about 2 months. Males however only have a lifespan of 10 days...