
Einstein's Brain

I'm sure we can all agree that Einstein was a very smart man. He had a very long list of achievements and his name is pretty much the definition of a genius.

He was also living proof that size doesn't matter as his brain was bit on the smaller end of the spectrum.

After his death, his brain was claimed by Thomas Harvey in the name of science. And after a bit of inspection, he noticed nothing unusual.

It wasn't until over 40 years later that it was discovered that Einstein's brain apparently lacked a single wrinkle which may have caused other areas to be slightly bigger.

All in all after dissecting Einstein's brain it became apparent it was pretty much a normal brain. Einstein was just one of many that could be considered a genius but what set him apart from the rest is what he did with his brain. He grew up as a shy Jewish kid in a Catholic school with German teachers. Even his parents feared that he had below average intelligence, but he turned out alright. The moral of the story is, a shy maybe even stupid looking kid could turn out to be the next Einstein.