
Day 2

No absurd side effects noted so far.

I got a decent amount of sleep. To be honest I'm not sure how long I was actually able to sleep. Remember how I said I was slightly less hungry than usual? Well I was apparently mistaken as the by far hardest part of this challenge is no midnight snacks. It might not seem that hard and shouldn't be a problem, but I woke up in the middle of the night very hungry and took quite a while to fall back asleep due to the hunger.

Side effects might include:

-Massive headaches, I don't think its directly linked but it could be

-Excessive hunger; Still hungry even after eating dinner; No I am not fat by any means

-Godly chess skills

-Faster maximum origami folding speeds whilst maintaining absolute precision

-Hair loss

Confirmed side effects:

-Ever so slightly easier to focus and concentrate

-Slight improvement in memorization abilities

-Way less time spent reading light novels each day

I am definitely concerned by the severity of some of the side effects and will be keeping close tabs to make sure my condition doesn't worsen. Although they may seem detrimental to my challenge attempt, I will overcome and negate them through sheer willpower.
