

Desire is a very fundamental part of our human nature. Without desire, civilization would probably crumble as that's one of the main things keeping everything together. Without the desire to survive and thrive or even the desire to have fun, life would be meaningless.

Studying hard to get a good job is mainly done to fulfill long term distant desires. If you want to be able to enjoy good food and live in a nice house, you will need to work hard. Nothing is free in life and desire will help you overcome any gruesome task.

The problem is how desire works like the snowball effect. The better your childhood is, the harder it will be to fulfill your desires later. Each time you complete a goal, you will gain a short term boost in happiness. Remember how amazing it was the first time you experienced something new as a child? Although you might desire such experiences, the more of them you encounter the less there will be to discover.

To get a better idea of what I'm talking about, imagine the first time you saw a skyscraper. Wouldn't you have been super amazed that humans were able to build something that tall? You might even have the desire to become an architect and achieve something design something even taller (who am I kidding a child would want to build it him- or herself) . However seeing them everyday ruins that first experience as it'll eventually just become the norm and be taken for granted. Back in the day a tiny flickering black white television screen inside a huge box would have been super desirable but could only be considered as a collector's item or trash in todays perspective.

Another example would be that no matter how much you love a meal, you'll be sick of it within a week if that's all you ate for breakfast lunch and dinner. Even if you still enjoy it afterwards, you'll never be able to call it your "favorite" anymore since it's lost its special meaning.

Thus in conclusion enjoy what you have and relish each new experience since they are finit. With ever growing desires we as humans will always strive to improve our current circumstances.