

Two very important tips you need to remember.

1: Just because you won a small sum, doesn't mean that you're good at gambling. Even if it seems like you're able to perfectly read all your opponents, don't fall for it. It might just be a lure to get you to bet the big bucks.

2: Don't bet big on a game you've never played before. There are bound to be quite a few rules or victory conditions that you are unaware of. And if there's money involved, these will only be mentioned once they are relevant for your opponents.

If you're ever playing any just for fun matches, don't play to win. Try to play really obviously and cause your opponents to lower their guard. Also don't switch tactics as soon as money is involved. Wait a few rounds to pull off a huge bluff.

Also never show your cards if you don't need to. Especially whenever you bluff and thus you also shouldn't show your cards when you don't bluff.