
Why being tall isn't that great

Being tall is something I probably underappreciate. It's just something where I've personally only noticed all the downsides.

At some point you get used to always looking down on people and it feels weird to look at someone on your level.

Amusement parks are great, but a decent amount of the rides aren't really optimized for large people to the point that they're actually painful. Although I haven't been to that many amusement parks in recent years, one ride that I still remember would be the Crazy Mine. The cart was just a bit too small and there was an insane amount of bumpy tight turns that really hurt.

I actually love playing foosball, but it does strain my back quite a bit.

I'm already at the height (6'3), where it would suck to be just a few cm taller. I've noticed how most potential hazards are around the 6'4/6'5 range. Having to always beware of bumping your head just isn't nice. There also multiple countries where being tall is a pain in the buttocks like for example Spain, Italy and China. Spain is a basically a nightmare. Lots of very low tunnels, small doors, and low roofs. China is much better in this regard. My only complaint would be the low bars (those that you can hold onto) in subways. If I stood, they would be directly in my face.

I also just can't sit completely straight in most cars. Leg room is often an issue and tables are sometimes just too short.