
Coronavirus (Skyrim)

As of now, there are more than 250,000 cases worldwide and the spread rate has been increasing exponentially. Worst case scenario, everyone gets infected with massive death tolls. Best case, the virus mutates and kills itself.

Now that Covid-19 has become an epidemic, we all have a fairly decent reason to just stay at home. That leaves the question of what to do apart from work, studying, etc.

I've decided that it's the perfect time to finally try Skyrim. The single player game, that people spent thousands of hours playing. Just straight up playing vanilla (unmodded) Skyrim would probably be alright, but since I knew I would eventually install mods, I decided to start with that.

And that's why I spent the last few days installing and configuring hundreds of mods.

Day 1: I bought Skyrim, played a bit and started to inform myself about mods

Day 2: Found a great list of compatible mods with a guide on configuring everything

Installed around 150 mods

Day 3 (today): More figuring out how to install certain programs

Up to a total of around 300 mods

I can't play test until I've installed and configured everything, otherwise I might break it. Fingers crossed that everything will work first try, but that's pretty much impossible.

Modding Skyrim definitely seems a bit more complex than other games. (This might have something to do with how I'm installing hundreds of mods.) The major difference is that you need to manually set the load order of all the mods and other programs. That can become a huge hassle if you're working with hundreds of mods. Organization is key and knowing what needs to go where is important.

I'll give an update on how hard it actually is, once I find out if my first attempt was successful or not.