

This chapter is sponsored by the Official Extraordinary Book Club Discord Server.

(Well... for legal reasons, this chapter is in fact not actually sponsored)

Discord is program (that is also available as an app or can be opened in browser) that can be used to chat with friends and easily create servers for wider communities.

Since I'm already talking about Discord, I feel like I should also mention that Webnovel has a Discord server for authors.

To get verified on that server, all you need to do is change your nickname to your author nickname and upload your book url into a certain chat. Next you just have to wait for verification.

I don't understand what their criteria is for what is considered "worthy", but XP with over 525 chapters, a total of over 210k words, and currently ~3.5 million views was rejected (or at least ignored) whilst tons of books with ~3 chapters and a few hundred views were accepted. Although I did somewhat expect that, I'm not going to lie that I'm disappointed by the outcome.

(Of course I could just use Vessel, another book, to get verified)

The atmosphere of that server (Webnovel's author server) is interesting to say the least. Overall there is a friendly vibe, however you will find many questionable statements.

(For the sake of context, there are numerous people who join their server each and every day and a lot of them don't bother (or are not familiar enough with discord) to read the FAQ and pinned messages that already solve 95% of all the problems/questions that they might have. This eventually causes outbursts on a very frequent basis from moderators, so called "newbie helpers", and even contracted authors.)

I will share a few screenshots on the Extraordinary Book Club Server for anyone who might want to see what I'm talking about.

So if you ever want to chat about books or anything else, you can check out our Discord server (Extraordinary Book Club) at the link in the author's note . It's also the best way to contact me for any reason.