
Can it kill you?

Welcome to a new series called, "Can it kill you?"

(Spoiler: yes)

Today we'll be finding out if a battery in a bathtub could kill you. Of course, we're disregarding the obvious deaths such as choking on it or slipping on it whilst getting up, hitting your head, knocking yourself out and then drowning.

The short answer to if a single battery could electrocute you is dependent on the battery type and generally the answer is most likely not.

To make it possible for a single AA battery to electrocute you, you'd probably have to make a lot of preparations. For example, you would have to give yourself multiple open wounds and add a LOT of salt to the water. Using ocean water has the added benefit of a mystery bag of random bacteria and save you a bit of money on salt.

And at that point you can just stop as your target would already be begging for ... a glass of milk.

Jokes aside, don't mess anything that's plugged in when you're in a bathtub. That's basically insta death.

Considering how most novels on w3bnovel involve killing and death in some way, I'd be surprised if this chapter set off any flags.