

To sacrifice or to not. That is the question. What if I just threw myself onto the spike? No that's a stupid idea and would definitely kill me. I'd prefer not to die.

What even is this spike? It's one with the room, but that doesn't really help me further.

What followed was a series of somewhat useless attempts to make something happen. This mostly involved kicking, wiggling, pulling and pushing the spike, which did absolutely nothing.

The majority of the things I haven't tried yet involve bodily fluids. Let's start with blood since it's easily aquireable. I won't deny being tempted to just slam my hand on the spike, but my reasoning won out. Instead I just poked the tip of my finger with the spike and squeezed a few droplets of blood out. Wherever the blood dropped, the surface of the spike looked more metallic or reflective. Rubbing the spots revealed that the blood had completely disappeared and somehow, recolored, replaced or transformed the purple material into something with a dark golden sandy texture.

The blood test can be considered as a success, however it doesn't change the current situation much. If I had to guess, I'll need to cover at least the whole spike with my blood, but I'd bleed out before that happens.

Should I try something else?