
More Questions

Two down, many more to go. You're getting exceedingly frustrated as both prior computers have only raised more questions then they've answered. You are however able to stay positive as third time's usually the charm. What awaits you is.... somewhat unexpected.


155 The Chicken and the Road

Humans are definitely one of the more interesting species out there. They like to take things that already have concrete answers and question them further. This somehow actually works to their advantage and is called science.

One example would be how humans continue to question why the chicken crossed the road. This question also came up as a part of a riddle in the 1847 edition of a New York City magazine. And the answer is just plainly "Because it wants to go to the other side." Some other variants of the answer would be that it was too long to go around.

Or when another animal is used in the riddle, the answer is usually because it was the chicken's day off or to prove that he's no chicken. If it's a prehistoric animal, it's because the chicken didn't exist yet.


Besides the actual contents of what you've just read, what worries you most is how "humans" seem to be the subject of the writing.