
Threat Levels

Every one has a hidden stat known as threat. How threat is calculated is a extremely complex and unnecessarily sophisticated. Some factors that are taken into account being gender, body size, and style of clothing.

Being on both ends of the threat spectrum is a very bad thing. If you appear to have a high threat level, people will avoid you and police officers will probably stop you for a random check. If your threat is too low, it'll be viewed as weakness and designate you as a prime target.

There are a few actions which you need to avoid if you don't want to end up as a target. If you're out and about, don't be wearing headphones or ear pods. You're basically willingly giving yourself a major disability and lowering your spacial awareness by a substantial amount.

Always looking down at your phone is also a way tell others your spacial awareness will be relatively low.

(This also happens to be a prime way to lower threat as it would show that you're not concentrating on your surroundings)

Taking out a map and appearing confused is a great way of notifying everyone in your surroundings that you're probably a confused tourist and thus a prime target. Just head into a cafe or something along those lines before trying to figure out your bearings.

If you've already been marked as a target, go towards well populated places. The last thing you want is for a person with ill intentions to know where you live. Start a phone call on speakers and don't hang up until you're safe.