

Due to all the random issues that have slowly accumulated over the past few years, I'm probably experiencing quite a few unique issues on W3 b n0 v 1. Usually there's an autosave feature on chapters that are being written. Every single time I press the back button (upper right on mobile) from within the chapter writer, there'll then be around 5 pop ups with messages such as "Volume required," "need content," "Chapter can't have more than 20,000 words or 100,000 characters." In addition, the chapter has roughly a 70% chance to be sacrificed to the void to never be seen again.

Uploading a chapter is also extremely risky and it'll also spam me with errors. There's also probably a 30% chance of the chapter not uploading and instead being sacrificed.

The way around these issues is to always do a select all + copy to make sure I have a temporary save. Of course these issues were most likely caused by me pushing the limits of what's doable in many earlier chapters.

I'm guessing there's also glitched out chapters hidden amongst the mountain of duplicate drafts (hundreds of copies of drafts randomly created due to another glitch).

It would really surprise me if anyone else has glitched out their writer account as much as me.