

In today's society, it isn't exactly that hard to get convicted of a crime you never committed. Oftentimes, it all boils down to a he said, she said scenario. Maybe even a witness with a he saw or she saw connection.

If your name is too common, you might even be misidentified as someone who has committed a crime.

For example, Jocye Ann Brown was the name of the person who had rented the get away car. This case had to do with the robbery of a fur store. The owner was murdered during the robbery.

A different Joyce Ann Brown was taken into questioning. This one was then also "identified" by a witness as one of the robbers.

She also had an alibi of being at work with only a 7 minute time frame where she could have committed the crime. She worked at a fur store a few miles away.

She was imprisoned for over 9 years before being found innocent. Her son also ended up shooting himself whilst she was still in jail...

Interestingly enough, a person who was incarcerated with her claimed she had confessed to the crimes.

It doesn't matter how unlikely a situation seems, with billions of people on this planet, anything can happen. You can only hope that it doesn't happen to you.