

Recently I've occasionally been overloading my mind by multitasking a bit too much. One of the more extreme examples would be: working on my laptop, whilst having multiple games open on my PC and phone and also watching a video. Of course this was done in standing in order to be able to do heel raises on the side.

(Doing more tasks isn't due to being distracted, it's mainly due to being underwhelmed and wanting to increase efficiency)

I also have a physically draining multitasking example. When training, I'd do two types of exercises in tandem. Basically, after each set, I'd switch to the other exercise and do my next set. This essentially drastically lowers the need for breaks and increases efficiency. All sets only end when my body fails. (I'd do around 3 sets of each exercise)

The mental multitasking is either great mental training or building up damage over time. The negatives probably outweigh the positives.

Thus, I plan on trying out meditation just to see what kind of effects it'll have. A more extreme mental detox might also be useful just to make underwhelming tasks slightly more interesting.