

Most people know that you should never approach a seemingly lost fawn. If you do, it's basically a death sentence for the baby.

Fawns have the advantage of basically having no scent. That's the reason their mothers will always try to keep their distance. If you approach a fawn, a few things can happen, all extremely negative.

1. You're able to pet the fawn, congratulations you just rubbed your scent all over the poor baby and it's going to end up as a snack for a predator.

2. You scare the fawn away making it impossible for the mother to find the baby. Naturally, the fawn won't survive on it's own.

3. You scare the mom to the point that she basically abandons her baby. Congratulations, another death ending.

Their mothers are usually always close by, however they will often leave the fawn for multiple days.