

When it comes to job applications, there's quite a few important factors to keep in mind. Whenever you see the word optional associated with uploading or writing something, it's actually a mandatory sorting criteria. If 50 people apply and 25 didn't write a letter of motivation, then the interviewer can save a lot of time by just rejecting those 25 who aren't serious.

If you want to shift momentum, makes sure you also ask relevant questions whilst being interviewed. This may or may not catch the interviewer off guard and shift the momentum in your favor. It's also a reminder that an interview is a two way process and you're also contemplating if they're worthy of your service. Some basic questions include:

"What's your favorite thing about the company?"

"What's the work culture like?"

"How has your experience been with the company?"

If you're given interview date/time choices, always prioritize getting the earliest possible one. Oftentimes, the early bird gets the worm.