I waited for Dylan and Richard to drink while I listened to another interesting conversation happening right below us. Did the rest of the group really think I couldn't hear them in my own home? Pff…

They first were questioning if it was safe to stay in my house; a complete stranger at that; and some didn't even believe I really was a vamp, even after seeing my performance.

The ledges humans go to deny what they cannot understand or do not believe in…

I use only some floors from this huge building, the last one to live in, the one below as library/ warehouse of movies and personal things, and the first's floors as a warehouse for the rest such as gas, tools, and others.

So it wasn't a surprise once they enter one of those, their greed growing with the number of goodies until one who seem to be the most impulsive one starts to elaborate how they could steal from me, going to the ledges of even thinking of stealing the whole place up.

I would love to see them try…

It would be very entertaining.

Anyway, up in my floor I was still dirty with blood and goop; courtesy of the Hunters mostly; so I went to take a shower, not before telling Richard and Dylan to do the same and giving a meaningfully look at Richard, who gritted his teeth, while Dylan jumped up and down at the perspective of a hot shower.

Already with evil intentions I go to my closet and choose a very thin white robe, tighten it up with a black belt over my hips, letting it loose enough that part of my body was on display, especially the collarbone, toned chest and abs, reaching until my bellybutton but covering the rest to give space for the imagination.

I didn't play fair.

With my long black hair still wet, I went out in the hall and let the drips role down my curves; and from Richard's face the image got the job done.

"Where is Dyaln?"

"Still on the shower."



I sit across from him, bringing my arms back and crossing my legs at the front, letting more of my body show as the clothes pull up with the movement. After looking up and down Richards seems to realize what he was doing and start to stare over the window, suddenly finding it very interesting; but giving me enough time to shamelessly stare his body down as well.

As expected from a military.

He had shaved by the time we spend in the shower, his black hair combed with some gel, his muscular body asking to be let loose from those skintight black clothes, his bulging arms and strong thighs making me want to lick him up.

While I feasted with his image, making him contain a grimace and uncomfortable shifting, Dylan comes out of the showers; which by the way were four only on this floor; smelling with a mixed aroma of all the shampoos in my bathroom.

Seems he had fun uhm…

He comes closer, takes my casual semi-naked image on and blushes, biting his lips and looking away, arousel oozing off of his figure and the smell making my dick throb.

"So… Sweet Dylan, ready to undertake your part of the deal?"

He seems a little nervous, and Richard tenses at the mention of that.

"… Will it hurt?"

"Not in the slightest."

"… Ok, I'm ready."

I stand up slowly, curving my form to show more of the inside of my robe, making Dylan look away flustered.

Ahhh… it has been sooo long since I had this much fun…

I got closer to him and extend my hand, guiding him into my room as the expected protests sound from behind us:

"Wait! What do you think you are doing? Where are you taking him?"

"To my room, of course…"

"No, no way, you can take his blood right here."

"Taking blood is not a simple matter dear Richard, it involves I very personal and private thing to it; and furthermore, is very tiresome to the giver, so they usually sleep afterwards, making the bed the best and most logical option to do it in, won't you agree?"

"… Still, I would prefer that you take it here so I can keep an eye on you."

"And I don't remember asking nor caring what you prefer or not, did I now dear Richard?"

I halt, a strong grip on Dylan's hand as I look back with a poker face up, stopping my facade of friendly human, stopping my breathing, my blinking, staring him down in an inhumane way only to remind him not to get too friendly. At that his eyes widen, apparently finaly realizing the situation they were in for the first time.

It did not matter if they wanted or not, they would do as I said… period.

"But I won't mind if you want to watch…"

At that I turn and enter my chambers. Great part of the curtains are close, only one far off slightly open illuminating the place, giving it an eerie kinky aura as the gigantic round bed came to view.

I could hear Richard following behind us and standing in the corner, tempting me to bring him closer, but I kept some cards under my sleeve.

My mother use to tell me not to play with my food.

I have never been a good boy.

I grab Dylan by the hips and take him off the ground, making him hold a squeak of surprise as I go to the bed and slowly drop him there, covering his body with mine.

With my red eyes glowing I can clearly see him blush in expectation, and even Richard cannot deny, in this dim light, how sexy the scene unfolding in front of him was.

I bring Dylan higher on the bed until our bodies are fully stretched over the red velvet blankets, and I lick my lips in slow motion as my eyes focused down his neck.

"On the wrist." Says Richard, with his bulky arms pulsing from been crossed strongly in front of his chest.

"Of course…" I said, tempted but wanting to save some fun for later…

So I bring Dylan's arms up, glad at his submissive yet horny behavior under me as his heart speed up in his chest by the mere position we were in.

And I didn't even get started…

I lick between his fingers, making sure my face was on display and visible in the dim light so he could appreciate the show, going down and wetting the curve of his palm until I reached his wrist, smelling, feeling the blood pulsating under the skin, begging to be freed.

Then I pierced his skin with my incisors, getting a mouthful of blood in the first sip.

Oh, that warm liquid going down my throat, heating my belly, making me feel filled, fuzzy, and the closer my kind would ever get to feeling alive.

As my tongue worked his way over the wound, bringing more of the intoxicating beverage, I could hear faint moans coming from Dylan, his arouse growing and mixing with Richards, the smell tick inside the dim room.

Then I stop, letting go of his hand as he gasped for air, his dick semi-hard forcing his pants up and sweat glimmering over his skin.

He looked delicious.

He tasted delicious.

I lick the blood over my red lips, making him moan a whimper, eager for more.

But then I stand, turning to Richard who was gripping his arms very, very hard, and add:

"Stay with him if he needs anything, I will find some food for you and your companions…"

With a satisfied smile I leave, my plans working just fine because, you see, a vampire bite is a very complex thing; the saliva may close the wounds, the incisor pierces the skin but, like a snake bite, we vampires inject a substance inside our fangs that makes your victims… very horny.

I will have a great show to watch tonight.

Cannot wait, hehe.